Write for Us | Red Hat Factory

Write for Us

We are always looking for interesting articles that fit our brand culture. This could be an opportunity for you to tell your story to our community.

We are open to any articles or essays that fit our brand culture. But if you’re out of ideas, we have two categories to get you started: People telling the story of their brand/hobby from their perspective and people telling about an adventure of theirs, paired with lots of photos.

You don’t have to own one of our products or be in any way associated with us, only be a co-promoter of the culture we love here at Red Hat Factory.

Our brand culture key points

As long as you are in sync with these key points, we are very openminded as to the content. (But we do have suggested guidelines to get you started below).

Example articles

How to write

We currently have three categories open for submissions:

For People:Passion we often suggest the following outline. Though it is only to be considered a loose guideline, many find it helpful.

How long should the article be?

1500 to 3000 words is a good guideline, but most anything goes. The main thing is that you feel you have told your entire story the way you want it told.

What language do I write in?

English or Swedish are both good, but if you write in Swedish you have to be good at basic grammar, because we aren’t.

We will edit and polish up your English articles together with you before launch.

Swedish articles are translated into English by us, and both are published.

What do you get from this

What do we get from all of this

Get started

Contact us at hello@redhatfactory, to get started. We’re just one email away!